Redheaded Rachael with a lover on the moon above the Love Pavilion (photo: Rachael)
Rachael's First "Early Orgy"
Calls had been going out on the commune group chat to organize another Love-In Orgy at an earlier hour than Yoru's evening MondayLoveday events (which are at 5pm SLT). That's a bit late for Europeans, and there are lovers in the Americas yearning to play while the cats are away in the day *smiles.* In true commune village fashion, a foxy, poly-loving lady named Rachael stepped up to announce an "early orgy" the very next Monday. For the first time in commune history, two musical orgies were on the horizon. Rachael, along with DJ Eka, were opening the sexy, rocking event to great swaths
of lovely, sensual people in virgin timezones all over the world. Well, maybe not so virgin *grins*, but Yoru was thrilled, for she had long wished for the orgy to go global.
Thus mid-morning in the Americas would smile, blinking sleepily, at brazen,
teatime Europe. Imagine the time zones, south to north, a little earlier or later, think of the possibilities! Love, love sweet love, in the afternoon, the morning, the evening, and deep into the night, the crazy-love night.
Bad Yoru! Do you think she and Rachael are very naughty? Consider, we are about freedom of love, a good thing in a good way, and with others from the commune agreeing in group chat, we were off to bed!
But first... do you think making love is nicer at a certain time of day? Our Rachael likes it in the morning, online, and Yoru does, too. Well, Yoru likes it anytime. You too?
Seriously epic sex
But what happened to Yoru at Rachael's first "early orgy" was unexpected, unusual, unbelievable anywhere except in Second Life. Yoru's fall to ecstasy with Tarjiman from 3750 m is the story of an epic mutual climax.
Yoru, in seductress mode at the early morning orgy
It was Tarjiman, but it could have been you
Yoru had taken the day off to go to a RL friend's birthday, and was thus unexpectedly able to attend the orgy at 7am SLT. Five or six people were already gathered, magnetized by Sedi the Beautiful around a game of adult spin-the-bottle. Whom the bottle chose was in the middle, having sex and naked, with someone likewise unclad.Yoru was strongly tempted to join, for she was only partially awake, and an early-morning, dozing dream still beckoned vividly from her pillow. It was a sexy state of mind she would gladly revisit...
But Yoru slipped away from the dreamy, steamy pixel game and turned, as was her custom and responsibility as event organizer, to wander around the sim welcoming guests on the fringes of the event. Putting the Second Life situation in theatrical terms, such hesitant orgy guests were similar to theatre-goers who were careful to get tickets far from the front row so they could not easily be forced on stage to make fools of themselves. But Yoru is no fool, and she knows her guests aren't either, so she marches up, dressed "more-than-naked" for the event, and rubs up against such first-time orgy guests playfully, wishing them welcome. Often they are watching the evolving "group dance of love" in a relatively safe spot at some distance from the Love Pavilion.
As for instance, in the jacuzzi, just out of earshot of the love game, a rough-looking man in warrior armour lounged up to his chest-plates in the bubbling water. Was that Tarjiman? He looked different.
Yoru knows Tarjiman, but only from long ago. He had once touched her stockinged feet under a table at a commune meeting, the first and last time they had met. It had been erotic, so arousing that she had left the meeting with the impression he had a foot fetish. How he wove passionate words around her silky toes! Since that moment, they had been promising each other to rendezvous, but time zones, alas, are hurdles to many SL love affaires.
He looked very hot, not because he was in the steaming jacuzzi, but because he had a mohawk hair strip and fearful painted blood-brown stripes across his scowling face, giant arms ending in hands that looked like steel hammers, and... well, he was blazing sexy, and the sum total of his av made Yoru very aroused and a little audacious.
An audacious role-play
"It is a fool who sits fully equipped for war in the gentle waters of a commune jacuzzi," she said, standing with her legs spread athletically in front of him, her crotch at the level of his eyes, her knees in the bubbling water, steamy vapours wafting upwards, casting her in heated shadows.
"Maybe my armour needs cleaning," he shot back, "OK you got my attention, Yoru, now come sit next to me."
"Not next to you. On top of you," Yoru said, hitting pose buttons. "From what warrior clan do you pretend to hail? Speak!"
"I don't pretend to be anyone other than your seducer, creamy-skinned woman." Tarjiman's smirk, uttered in a deep, resonant voice, reminded Yoru that he is past-master at role-play emoting.
"Whatever, you will be mauled by Yoru of the Kotora Samurai unless you submit." Because Yoru felt her retort "whatever" had been weak, she began at that moment to devise a ruse.
"Submit to a creampuff? HAHAHA you have no inkling of the danger you are in. Sit!" He ordered her as though she were a slave. "Do you not realize the Kotora Nippon never allowed women to fight?"
At that lie, Yoru instantly donned battle armour, twisted in his lap, and put her arms around him.
"The only exceptions, foolishly wet warrior, were made for French
Panthères, female feline scourges of the Gorean Jungle Islands, one of whom you have at your throat at this very moment!"
Yoru hit the "kiss" animation and began licking his neck, starting at the dark hairs protruding above his chestplate, and worked her way over his stubbled chin, relishing the rough cleft, up to his lips, where she discovered a ring-stud on the tip of his tongue. Her licking, more like feeding, had made him speechless, whereupon Yoru clasped without warning the tongue ring tightly with her pursed lips, and closed her teeth lightly on the metal stud, immobilizing him. She then unsheathed her sword.
"Panthers, eh?" The words were gurgled, because Yoru controlled his tongue.
"No, baby,
Panthères. French, free, and fatale." Yoru changed the animation to rear up on him as in an ecstasy of lovemaking, but her sword sliced dangerously close to his ear. He winced and grinned.
"Yoru, I've often wondered how our next meeting would be..."
"Kiss me." He did, he had no choice.
"Good," Yoru said, rearing up on his lap again, scrunching her pelvis on his package, "now that you have learned to obey me, boy, take off your useless armour and let me see your body."
"Wait, I am not obeying, I am seducing... well, you are seducing..."
"Submit and I will take you home quickly!"
But he had regained his balance: "YOU submit and know the satisfaction of a true warrior taking his pleasure with YOU, woman 'warrior!'" He sneared the last word.
"Must I punish you?" Yoru sighed.
And so the role-play battle swayed. Because she was not sure she could force him to go down, she hesitated, typing and retyping, and Tarjiman seized the initiative. Taking her hand, he placed it on his crotch, the
massive erection quite clear for her to feel. It was warm to the touch.
"You think it is
enough?" he grinned.
Yoru felt herself weakening as she lost control of her hands, which seemed to know for themselves that they wanted to massage the warrior's huge cock. She couldn't help herself. She wondered again if she could take him, take this tough guy with such an overpowering dick. She felt herself leaning down to get closer to it, to flood her adoring eyes with images of it, breath the manly scent if it, lick it, caress it, the pubic hair enticed her, peeking out from under the warrior's iron-buckled belt.
"Submit to me now and I will TP you to my bed," she said. "Now. You must decide now. Submit!"
Again the derisive laugh. He pushed her small hand down harder on his curving, near-bursting cock.
She said urgently to herself, "Hot man, you Tarjiman!" and changed tack to employ her ruse.
"Tarji, just one... large favor?"
"Maybe," Tarjiman grunted, "name it." Yoru gasped at his adept reply, but persisting in seductress mode, she made one last attempt to best him to her bed.
"Take out your cock and let me put my lips around it, let me suck you off while you are
still clothed in your armour, and I in mine. I want you in my mouth, in full uniform, pausing in battle to take your pleasure roughly, forcing your dick deep within my mouth in a suspended moment of mutual surrender, for as long as you wish. Nod 'yes' and I will TP you."
Tarjiman nodded. She had him. YingYang.
Yoru kneels at Tarjiman's side after the fall from 3750 m
The warriors' pleasure, taken in a skybox made for love
He arrived in Yoru's skybox, breathing heavily, his cock massive and erect. Yoru took it in her hand, tilted it aside, and lavished her wet tongue on his balls, which were bulging out of the warrior's tight under-armour. She licked them singly and together, sucking them in, letting each hairy testicle ooze slowly, languorously across her lips to plop out again, taking her time, gripping and leveraging the steely stalk. At last her tongue traveled up the erection, which had grown even harder, took the shining head, the smoothly sculpted, perfect pinnacle of every penus, in her gentle, heart shaped mouth, and closed her red lips voluptuously around his manhood. At last she had him, her tongue titillating the captured cock within, after all those months of flirting.
Yoru took him out of her mouth and moaned, "Baby, shall we finish our role-play another day? Now let me have you, I want you now." She removed his under-armour and pushed his thighs wider to give her total access to his balls, hanging heavy with semen. Gazing at the bulging veins winding around the hardened muscles of his fleshy tool, she cooed, "Your cock is so beautiful, just as I have always imagined it to be. You know, darling, that it is the semen I wish to have on my tongue? Did you know this is my deepest desire? To swallow?"
Tarjiman grinned, "No..but...the thought of you with my semen dripping from your lips is quite exquisite. Suck me. Take my cock, all of it... let me fuck your mouth." He placed a hand on her head and pulled her closer, bringing his curved tool teasingly to her lips, making both their hearts pound with anticipation.
"You will like this," Yoru said.
She folded the delicate fingers of one hand around the shaft of his cock, while the other hand gripped his balls firmly, digging in her nails just enough to establish dominance, and positioned the utmost tip of the crown of his swollen rod just centimeters from her outstretched tongue. Hanging plumply from the small slit of his pee-hole was a droplet of pre-cum, transparent, impatiently perched, which Yoru gingerly touched with the point of her tongue. The droplet, released from its teardrop form, melted syrupy to spread, as is its nature, like an incoming tide, covering both glowing lips, thus lubricating the way to her interior.
Yoru eased her head backwards, the oil of his pre-cum secretion stretching like a spider's tiny silk rope from the slit atop the massive erection to the point of her tongue. She kept her tongue stuck out at the big man, as though taunting him, but it was no taunt. As she drew slowly backwards, the swaying bridge of exquisite human love-oil lengthened and bowed, swayed and twinkled, translucent, and she smiled to see him transfixed, watching the bobbing line of his own flawless love-lubrication.
She squealed a little, without moving her tongue, and moved her gaze from has cock to his eyes and back again as if to say, "Already I have your love juice in my mouth--won't you please give me more?" She puckered her lips delicately, to increase his desire, and still the oily strand trembled from her tongue across the love-bridge to his cock.
Tarji knew what she wanted. He wrapped both hands around the back of her head, thrust his cock towards her lips, into her mouth, then deeper into her perfect, pretty throat, and withdrew it, positioning it in front of her face for her half shut eyes to admire languidly. Her head lolled in his hands. Focussing as if in a blurred dream, she was by now taken wholly in a sexual trance, and her mouth was already climaxing. He thrust his cock in again, just the head inside her tightened, pursed lips, in and out of the rounded red receptacles of her oral love organ. Her eyes closed now, and he used her lips and rigid tongue as a fleshy glove in which to plop-plop-plop in and out of her, only as deep as inserting the winged ridges of his cock. It drove her mad, and they both knew he was using her mouth to hone his climax, purposefully submitting her entire face to the humiliation of being used as a physical object merely to heighten his pleasure.
He alternated this delicious torture of her outer lips with occasional deep thrusts into her throat, which emphasized her complete subjugation to his sexual will, as only he controlled the penetrations. He would then go back to frenzied, shallow, friction fucking, in and out so she could see the swollen, pulsing flesh that was bringing her such ecstasy, until at last he gripped her hair and jerked her head back, drove his cock in as far as he could, then slipped it back out quickly, slick with saliva and pre-cum, and while her mouth was still wide, wide open, shot his blood-warm virtual semen directly into the back of her throat. His second throbbing gush hit and hung, thick yet runny, across a pink cheek, and finally the remaining opaque liquid burst up and out of the masculine tubes of procreation directly into her pleading mouth, landing on her flattened, outstretched tongue. She swallowed.
Yoru then put him back in her mouth, gripped his still throbbing love-rod at the base and pressed upwards, sucking his tube of its remaining viscous drops of desire. After licking him up and down to make sure she had it all, she thanked him for giving her such a large load.
But the thrill had only begun
"Yoru!" Tarjiman gasped, "I just came so hard in your mouth... in Second Life. Virtually. I want to cum in real life, too, now, here at home at my computer. I am almost there, I am almost there..."
"Yes, baby," Yoru said, "fuck me again."
"I'm going to fuck your pussy hard."
And so they switched animations. Instantly, Tarjiman's massive cock was in her vagina, her swollen labia stretched to their maximum, for Yoru is not a large woman, and as he pumped her delicate, feminine avatar, her body extremities jiggled while he held her waist rigidly posted on the steely cock. She saw in her deepening haze that he had discarded his breastplates, then saw more pieces of his warrior armour melt away as his sexy body emerged, ridged with muscle after muscle, taut skin stretched over male splendor. Yoru, having cummed already in real life while he fucked her mouth moments before, was rapidly getting starry-eyed again. Multiple climaxes are Yoru's woman power :)
Tarjiman's manly buttocks were pumping little Yoru in a jolting animation, forcing her legs to kick wildly in the air on either side of his wide back. He was now naked except for his heavy black leather boots and a studded weapon belt, and Yoru realized she wanted to be naked, too. She was close to cumming again. She clicked her breastplate and hit the "remove" button.
But Yoru's armour remained. That's when disaster struck--or was it destiny? Yoru had clicked, not her breastplate, but the entire skybox in the background behind it, and had hit "return," not "remove." One must live a little in Second Life to understand this, but aside from the physics, it was the lightheadedness of extreme arousal... if you have felt it, you will forgive her.
The building structure of the skybox shimmered briefly, then poofed, leaving Yoru and Tarjiman without a floor, still in the sex animation with him forcing her legs open, her struggling body covered irrefutably by his mountain of muscle. Both avs hung suspended a moment in the bright, clear air at 3750 m in the sky, fucking, unconcerned, and as the structure disappeared from around them, they dropped.
They fell from 3750 m
They fell, and fell, and fell. From where they fell was almost the upper limit for skyboxes in SL, and it takes about 1.5 minutes to fall from such a distance to the sim floor below. Of course, one always lands unharmed, but the wind rushes by with a frightening howl, cloud layers ascend at awesome speeds, and never do the shades of sky-grey, baby blues, and whites of the heavens seem more adamantly ephemeral than when one is falling through them to one's death.
"Oh dear!"
But Yoru and Tarjiman were falling, not to their Second Life deaths, but to a momentary suspension in an angelic state of lovemaking while plummeting through virtual space. Tarjiman saw the same delicious woman who had inhaled his lust, she was in the same sex animation they had been in high above in the skybox, but now the rushing maelstrom of their fall gave her helpless submission an ethereal power to evoke the deep, dark beast of his orgasm, rising in his blood as he plunged, and he came, came inside her, as the wind shrieked around them.
We talked of how it felt, falling so far into a climax together
"We fell out of the sky," Yoru said after she got back to the orgy, "at 3750 meters. It was as though the heat of our lovemaking had made the skybox de-rez, and as I fell, I asked Tarjiman if he could still hear me in open chat as we plunged, and we found we could speak normally, if a little breathlessly. So all the way down we kept cooing to each other and continued making love. We had been close to climaxing when we began our fall, seconds away, and now, as we fell, we continued to emote the hot, sexual love-words that had swept us along in the sky, until finally we splashed down softly, ecstatically, in the shallows of my little beach. He went limp because he had been cumming during the fall, and I, kneeling beside him, was cumming still. Damn. Hot you, Tarji. He lay there in the shallows, legs outstretched, cock at ease--he was on his back and soooo content--and we talked of how it felt, falling so far into a climax together."

Happy bodies at the commune's first "early orgy"
Sophie Eberhardt is a professional erotic romance writer who lives at the commune. Erotic romance... nice. When I got back from the fall with Tarjiman, I contacted her right away:
"Hi sweetie I just got a fab story idea :)" Yoru said in IM.
Sophie's reply was, "Cool - get writing!"
Yoru laughed and said, ""Yes you are right--it happened at this early orgy, first one ever, and I was searching for a story to make it sexy, then boom! a guy comes along and we do amazing stuff..."
"Yay I love when that happens!" Sophie knows the value of erotic inspiration.
Zinka on Tarjiman
[07:47] Zinca (zinca.xue): Hi sexy your weak at the knees reading about you and Tarji. It is the Tarji in the commune?
[07:48] Yoru Lamourfou: hey
[07:48] Yoru Lamourfou: haha I love you for that
[07:48] Yoru Lamourfou: yes it is our very own tarji--quite a man eh?
[07:48] Zinca (zinca.xue): I will look at Tarji in a completely different way from now on...giggles
[07:49] Yoru Lamourfou: hahahaha
[07:49] Yoru Lamourfou: I warned him LOL
[07:49] Zinca (zinca.xue): He is a gorgeous hunk.......with or without
[07:50] Yoru Lamourfou: I will be sure to tell him darling
[07:50] Yoru Lamourfou: he earned it :)
[07:50] Yoru Lamourfou: kept cool the whole way down
[07:51] Zinca (zinca.xue): Lol...his defenses crumbled when faced with your hot hot body and your uber sexy seduction
(Curious, the power of the pen + a good man with his tool box = great sex + well earned bad boy reputation :)