(Writer's note: The male voice of the story, "quoted in italics" is from an anonymous contributor. All av names are fictional. Fenton Maurer's Flickr photos are chosen for their symbolic relationship to the story, and the lyrics are from Norah Jones: "I've Got to See You Again" from the album Come Away With Me.)
IRISH RICHARD HAS MY HEART (1. The secret to manly irresistibility)
IRISH RICHARD HAS MY HEART (1. The secret to manly irresistibility)
I could almost go there
Just to watch you be seen
I could almost go there
Just to watch you be seen
I could almost go there
Just to live in a dream
(Norah Jones)
Have you ever woken from a dream and wished you had stayed? Wished you could have had a say in what next to play? Wished you had kissed a certain person again before bidding goodbye to the land of sleepy love?
Second Life is just such a dream, where one can be one's own director, and where what you say and do is as real as the steely frames of the computers that construct so faithfully the intricacies of the online stage. Talk of the virtual world as not being "real" is as vaporous as air, for to deny Internet love is to contest the existence of the delicate vapors of fine perfume simply because, like sunsets, they are ephemeral.
Richard is a dreamy man living an outrageously delicious lifestyle in Second Life. Mysteriously, this man is always surrounded by females. It is a lifestyle many men and women wish, but few can make happen. If you were to ask him his secret, he would joke, "Panties!" He must be very successful in that case, for he sees many panties up and down the legs of his girls. His de facto harem is not in a dungeon, nor are the girls in chains. They lounge at a swimming pool in a sun-drenched corner of SL, surrounded by neighbors who complain about the large number of naked women "doing" the equally naked Richard. I am still mystified by him, still do not know how he does it. I only know that it worked on me, too.
Here is the story so you may decide what Richard's secret is for yourself :
When at the commune, I always dance, and I prefer sexy floor dances since I can stretch my legs wide and flash my panties. I like stripping, too, and choose my underclothing carefully. How was I to know I would soon show my everything to a connoisseur de lingerie?
"I occasionally drop in to the Commune... there weren't too many avs around that night but SHE was there, dancing and flirting outrageously with a couple guys."
My thighs were as wide as I could make them go, sitting with both arms pushing my knees out, stretching luxuriously in front of two commune friends, both men, who were whispering their pleasure in IMs and open chat, go figure. Another man strolled in, tall with curly dark hair, and sat in a spot opposite the two friends. In order to include him in the show, I had to turn completely around to him, offering my body to his full frontal viewing pleasure.
It was then I had an idea. What if I changed panties during the dance? That would give everyone (all were voyeuring hotly) a nice fashion show of frilly things while I drew close to one after the other. Another idea followed quickly on that image: I would flash my prettiest treasure, complete with luxuriantly black pubic hair, between changes of panties. It would be very realistic. My pussy could only be seen for a heartbeat, the time I could click it on and off, but it was long enough to cause a heart attack :)
"And then, completely without warning, her panties simply disappeared and the delicate petals smiled at me. A second later, I forced myself to look at her face and her eyes were beaming, lighting up the entire area and I swear I could hear her throaty laughter! And, just as quickly, the panties reappeared and hid that blossom."
Richard moves quickly in passion. After the briefest of chats, he poofed and sent me a teleport to his beach. Curious to see where he lived, I didn't hesitate, which is something I would never do in real life, but in SL it is ok. He had his clothes off while I was rezzing. I looked him over and discovered with delight the most perfectly curved, rippled, realistic cock I had yet seen in Second Life. But I was not planning to do anything with it and kept my clothes on. Even though everyone knows I organize and entice people to the commune orgy events, and do not appear to be shy, my instincts told me this time it was different. But was it? As my second world rezzed into view, three female avs materialized around Richard. The fourth would be me. I suppose I hadn't noticed them before because I had been concentrating on his shiny, veined, erect dick. The man was among his lovers, and I was simply one of them now.
(Norah Jones)
The land of sleepy love
Have you ever woken from a dream and wished you had stayed? Wished you could have had a say in what next to play? Wished you had kissed a certain person again before bidding goodbye to the land of sleepy love?
Second Life is just such a dream, where one can be one's own director, and where what you say and do is as real as the steely frames of the computers that construct so faithfully the intricacies of the online stage. Talk of the virtual world as not being "real" is as vaporous as air, for to deny Internet love is to contest the existence of the delicate vapors of fine perfume simply because, like sunsets, they are ephemeral.
Richard is a dreamy man living an outrageously delicious lifestyle in Second Life. Mysteriously, this man is always surrounded by females. It is a lifestyle many men and women wish, but few can make happen. If you were to ask him his secret, he would joke, "Panties!" He must be very successful in that case, for he sees many panties up and down the legs of his girls. His de facto harem is not in a dungeon, nor are the girls in chains. They lounge at a swimming pool in a sun-drenched corner of SL, surrounded by neighbors who complain about the large number of naked women "doing" the equally naked Richard. I am still mystified by him, still do not know how he does it. I only know that it worked on me, too.
Here is the story so you may decide what Richard's secret is for yourself :
When at the commune, I always dance, and I prefer sexy floor dances since I can stretch my legs wide and flash my panties. I like stripping, too, and choose my underclothing carefully. How was I to know I would soon show my everything to a connoisseur de lingerie?
"I occasionally drop in to the Commune... there weren't too many avs around that night but SHE was there, dancing and flirting outrageously with a couple guys."
My thighs were as wide as I could make them go, sitting with both arms pushing my knees out, stretching luxuriously in front of two commune friends, both men, who were whispering their pleasure in IMs and open chat, go figure. Another man strolled in, tall with curly dark hair, and sat in a spot opposite the two friends. In order to include him in the show, I had to turn completely around to him, offering my body to his full frontal viewing pleasure.
It was then I had an idea. What if I changed panties during the dance? That would give everyone (all were voyeuring hotly) a nice fashion show of frilly things while I drew close to one after the other. Another idea followed quickly on that image: I would flash my prettiest treasure, complete with luxuriantly black pubic hair, between changes of panties. It would be very realistic. My pussy could only be seen for a heartbeat, the time I could click it on and off, but it was long enough to cause a heart attack :)
"And then, completely without warning, her panties simply disappeared and the delicate petals smiled at me. A second later, I forced myself to look at her face and her eyes were beaming, lighting up the entire area and I swear I could hear her throaty laughter! And, just as quickly, the panties reappeared and hid that blossom."
Richard moves quickly in passion. After the briefest of chats, he poofed and sent me a teleport to his beach. Curious to see where he lived, I didn't hesitate, which is something I would never do in real life, but in SL it is ok. He had his clothes off while I was rezzing. I looked him over and discovered with delight the most perfectly curved, rippled, realistic cock I had yet seen in Second Life. But I was not planning to do anything with it and kept my clothes on. Even though everyone knows I organize and entice people to the commune orgy events, and do not appear to be shy, my instincts told me this time it was different. But was it? As my second world rezzed into view, three female avs materialized around Richard. The fourth would be me. I suppose I hadn't noticed them before because I had been concentrating on his shiny, veined, erect dick. The man was among his lovers, and I was simply one of them now.
Fenton Maurer
IRISH RICHARD HAS MY HEART (2: The duplicitous woman)
Lines on your face don't bother me
Down in my chair when you dance over me
I can't help myself
I've got to see you again
(Norah Jones)
Richard navigates the turbulent waters of his exquisite women
A rush of excitement shot through my veins when I saw all the girls pressing close around him, and listening to their chat confirmed there was only one thing on the agenda for today's meeting: pleasuring Richard. Everyone was completely nude, and at first I thought I had been lured into a bizarre orgy where one person was chosen to be the center of the universe, the hot sun of these celestial pussies revolving eternally, rhythmically, unhurriedly around his hard, curving erection. Soon I realized that my first impression was correct. He was the only item on the menu, and he was delicious.
Oh! That reminds me, I mentioned his thrilling cock. That was not the secret of his irresistibility, it wasn't that easy, but it was a man's package to dream of, just the right size and tones blended lasciviously to give it the perfect shining head on a rougher shaft of mean design. Mean as in "badass." And joy! Clicking on it up close delivered a hud to control this genital tool, a device to make it go up, to adjust its position in animations, or to hang lusciously low, dangling between his thighs like a crouching tiger rippling explosive, muscular potential in the shadows of a bedroom lair. And some sweet engineer had designed it to repeatedly squirt white viscous globules of male ambrosia, streaming cum again and again, no recovering, no cooldown, no ungreying, just an unending throbbing climax... imagine that a moment, baby.
But I could not make him gush cum because I did not have the requisite permissions. All of the girls were adoring him as the god of desire, but only one of them, a devastating platinum blond from Italy named Patatia, had perms for Richard's hud. She was very skillful, giving us all showers of seed and positioning the cock just right to push convincingly into our mouths and pussies and asses.
By this time I had abandoned my clothes, and when the group pose brought me to my knees with my head between his thighs, I knew his cock would be my world for a while. Pushing him against my mouth with lips tightly closed , I made it seem I was being forced to suck him. I struggled and turned and shook my head and pulled away, but soon returned to place my puckered lips on the moist crack of his dick on the very tip, careful not to spill, where oily precum welled up in a solid liquid mini-dome on top. Brushing a kiss across the oil, left to right and back again, I saturated my lips with one of the incomparable lubricants of mankind's love. Still I did not open my lips, but at that moment became aware of his hands stroking my long hair.
Richard was holding both sides of my head, positioning my face firmly to keep steady pressure on my lips to open and let him enter, but I roleplayed resistance. He then began stroking me along my cheeks, neck, and upper back, using my blue-black, silky, thick hair to increase the luxuriance of the touch. His hands were caressing me everywhere, expertly finding all my secret places, until the realization he had me tamed flooded into my mind, which in turn flooded my sex. But when he kneaded the tender area on my right side between the hip and rib cage, it is the key to my sensual core, I stopped play-fighting him, yielding at last to his driving cock, I opened my lips and allowed him into my mouth. He gave me everything I desired, then kept giving, making me squeal and squirt. As I was to learn later, his nature drove him to continue penetrating me all the way into my soul. In short, I lost it, he lost it, and we both collapsed in ecstasy, greedily gulping in love, knowing its rarity and recognizing its purity.
He had been interacting with the other girls, too, during the time he stroked my hair and made me cum so hard. I cannot say how, as I was in a haze of passion, but his words to all of us were embodiments of love itself, pure, clear, always upbeat and generous, his chat reflected a soul wanting only to give pleasure. And to give pleasure, one must take it in exchange, and this Richard could do. He felt himself to be a sensual god performing inexplicable work, or, as another might say it, he was a polished fuck.
Without being able to concentrate on the chat while I was sexing, I nevertheless noticed long, simultaneous pauses between chat emotes from Richard and Patatia, making it clear something was passing between them in IMs. Thus on Richard's paradisical beach there was a hierarchy of greater and lesser goddesses, which was soon to manifest itself in a surprising announcement of marriage plans! Of course, we were all invited to the wedding, and were assured "nothing would change." I feel a little embarrassed to admit that, when I heard it, I was crushed, because I thought Richard was beginning to fall in love with me, as I had with him. At that moment I was being licked by one of the other girls as Richard fucked her pussy, and well, I confess I felt a little awkward congratulating Patatia while we all were being nailed by her groom-to-be. *Sigh* only in SL.
"One of my polyamorous friends asked me if I would partner with her - I was already infatuated with her open sexuality and acceptance! Against my instincts, I agreed and went into that relationship with both eyes (and my heart) wide open. And each step drew me closer and closer until, logically, I proposed marriage while maintaining our poly lifestyle."
Amazingly, it appeared that he was pulling it off. The girls kept coming, including me, swooning, gazing at each other as we ascended to formidable, passionate highs, the highs one thinks of when one muses on the best moments of one's life.
(Writer's note: this is a mix of some earlier passages within the storyline of IRISH RICHARD HAS MY HEART that I pulled together in answer to a call for Halloween BDSM stories. Here it is revised and back in its proper place in the story.)
We ascended to formidable, passionate highs, the highs one thinks of when one muses on the best moments of one's life
When precisely those most rare and precious moments are destroyed, tragedy occurs. And so it was that the tattered, shoddy wings of Richard's faerie princess became clearly visible to all.
"Three days before the wedding my betrothed turned up and said she would not go through with it. She had met someone in RL and would be leaving SL. All of which (as I found out later) was a lie."
Patatia had left Richard, if not at the alter physically, still very virtually. He had sent wedding invitations, and his loss of face was severe. Although he did not complain, he was rough with me that night of ghosts and ghoulies, so much that he made me a little frightened. He tied my hands angrily behind my back so that I was quite helpless, but I love hard BDSM and thought little of it. Was he punishing me for the treachery shown him by his jilting fiancée, Patatia? It was then I realized to my horror that her Italian boots were placed neatly on top of an iron coffin on the patio next to the pool, and it must be her who was "resting" there, only symbolically of course...
The sight of the coffin made me want to leave, but I did know the background to this macabre, although empty, burial relic. Robert was supposed to be getting married with Patatia and had fallen hard when dumped, but to put on a brave face, he was going ahead with his wedding, but calling it a "wedding wake" instead. It added to my uneasiness that the creepy, duplicitous woman was there, too, in a horrible manner of speaking.
At that moment Richard slapped me back from my dark musings. Climbing on top of me, he pushed my legs open wide and entered me without checking to see if I was wet. I was, but still reflexively twisted my hips at the sudden intrusion, flexing my leg muscles and struggling with my tightly bound wrists, all of which had the effect of making me unwillingly buck closer to his crotch and clutch myself even tighter around his cock as it curved evilly upwards inside me. I stole a glance down at our naked bodies and wet genitals glistening in the moonlight and, without warning, I began experiencing deep pleasure. He then laid me in a different position, opened my pussy lips with both hands, and buried his face between my thighs in a swoon. He needed to drink me. Next he pushed me down and filled my mouth with the oddly contradictory sensations of an erect dick, the rod all stiffness but topped with yielding, swollen, moist, purplish flesh. He used my throat as a vagina until I took him in my hands tenderly, withdrew him, admired him, licked him languidly, and plunged him back between my waiting lips, again and again. Purplish cock... it made me, like him, a little crazy, inhaling sex, a "dispenser" of dirty thrills and divine comfort.
I sucked him until I tasted that gentle surprise, the addition to my saliva of a slightly sweetish, musky, viscous body fluid unlike any other. My own climax felt unusually indulgent, for I had cum with only my lips and tongue on his cock two instants after I tasted his semen.
But the Irishman had more for me. He got up, went out, and returned 10 minutes later with more guys. After anguishing a while about being "gang-banged," I told myself, "it is such a high-school term." You see, I couldn't help myself, I began to relish being fucked in every opening of my body. I sank to that level and came hard--I am embarrassed to say it, I felt dirty but I loved it. Is it not a contradiction to think about? It was a hot Halloween party... Trying to dismiss a growing revulsion with my weakness for pleasure and the creepiness of the location, I said to myself that it was, after all, just Second Life. Such a scene is hot only if it is totally consensual, and baby, I was saying yes. Finally I ordered my body to stop trying to flee, since that was lavishly impossible.
But the Irishman had more for me. He got up, went out, and returned 10 minutes later with more guys. After anguishing a while about being "gang-banged," I told myself, "it is such a high-school term." You see, I couldn't help myself, I began to relish being fucked in every opening of my body. I sank to that level and came hard--I am embarrassed to say it, I felt dirty but I loved it. Is it not a contradiction to think about? It was a hot Halloween party... Trying to dismiss a growing revulsion with my weakness for pleasure and the creepiness of the location, I said to myself that it was, after all, just Second Life. Such a scene is hot only if it is totally consensual, and baby, I was saying yes. Finally I ordered my body to stop trying to flee, since that was lavishly impossible.
It was then that Richard's dark ropes forced me back in my mind to a vivid, sunny scene from when I was a young girl. I had always loved climbing high in a poison berry tree next to our home. It was leafy with yellows, greens, and blues, and stretched out to me its smooth, brown, veined arms. Years later I realized that being in love is like climbing that tree. In my fortress of airy green I was uncatchable, and I became as good at climbing then as I am now at making love. Always I could find an escape from playtime "enemies," or put my hands on a bunch of smelly berries to throw at neighborhood toughs attacking my stronghold from the ground. Once having learned how to swing, how to trust one's own grip, one feels in control, exhilarating, gliding confidently between limbs and lovers. But while climbing in the highest boughs one must be careful, for falling, like love, is always unexpected.
When Richard and I had first made love, months before, we had snuggled deep under blue-green domes of impenetrable woods. I trusted him, had been his lover, had embraced him in secret as the heat of the day gave way to cooling shadows and hot desire. Licking his neck, I had tasted the salt clinging still from our swim in the sea where we had surrendered again and again to deep waves of female invitation and male thrust. He gulped in my heady, perfumed wetness, flourishing in the fullness of my sensual rain, abundance feeding pleasure, passion bursting to fruition in the dewy night.
And so you understand, I had been surprised when he told me he was going to marry his Italian lover. I remember blinking involuntarily. Weeks before, I also had made love with her, often, but why would I have bothered mentioning it? At that time it mattered not at all. Her hands had pulled me hungrily down onto her bed, and when I opened my eyes I saw a delicate, fragrant pussy trembling close to my face. Tentatively, I inserted my tongue into her musky slit, as she did mine, and her spells were upon me... I couldn't help myself, she became my secret lover. I adored her dark pubic forest, I had found a refuge from rough lovers.
How was I to tell him? I didn't. And now it was time for my punishment.
(Still to come: IRISH RICHARD HAS MY HEART (4: Pang of sharing; and 5: Why not love?)
How was I to tell him? I didn't. And now it was time for my punishment.
(Still to come: IRISH RICHARD HAS MY HEART (4: Pang of sharing; and 5: Why not love?)
so ` Love;ly when a flower blooms and the Petals fall,and the rebirth of new ones unfold ... may your words continue to bless our visions of Passion` thank you Yoru` ,....MysT Marais ~.~