SHIBARI GIRLFRIEND: (1. Something good happened at the orgy last Monday)
The old orgy pit was broken again, but thankfully the new orgy "pavilion" next to it was working fine, the poses popping up in twosomes, threesomes, and fours. There are no group poses beyond 4somes, which is a limitation, but there is also a mystery button labeled "everybody gets some," or something like that. Yoru had never explored that last one, and wasn't planning to this evening, either. What does that mean, anyway?
She found out what it meant that night. Something good happened.The old orgy pit could accommodate up to 7 persons, but since it wasn't working she'd have to disappoint guests by making them wait. Or maybe not? She ended up pushing the "mystery" button. Read further to decide for yourself if it was a good thing.
The first person to wander nonchalantly by was a man named Lorenzo who was so handsome in a rough, hot, realistic way that Yoru felt a little frightened of his av. Deep brown skin, shirtless, dark hair down to his shoulders, kewl sunglasses, aaaiiii he turned her on. She knew instinctively that nothing he did was uncalculated. He said he didn't know the commune has a weekly orgy, but did mention he liked Yoru's avi. Of course that was a line, but it was orgy time and well, hmmmm, she'd have a go at a hunk that scared her. He wasn't frightening because he looked like a vampire or that sort of thing, but because he looked like a latino god.
The first person to wander nonchalantly by was a man named Lorenzo who was so handsome in a rough, hot, realistic way that Yoru felt a little frightened of his av. Deep brown skin, shirtless, dark hair down to his shoulders, kewl sunglasses, aaaiiii he turned her on. She knew instinctively that nothing he did was uncalculated. He said he didn't know the commune has a weekly orgy, but did mention he liked Yoru's avi. Of course that was a line, but it was orgy time and well, hmmmm, she'd have a go at a hunk that scared her. He wasn't frightening because he looked like a vampire or that sort of thing, but because he looked like a latino god.
She clicked into a keenly arousing, convincing twosome pose with him. It was a new pose design, depicting her struggling vigorously to resist his cock being forced into her tightly pursed lips. She saw her cheeks jerking left and right, eyes closed tightly shut as if that would prevent the hard slippery dick from eventually penetrating her mouth.
"Lorenzo forces your lips," he emoted, "to accept his manhood, gripping your long hair in one hand while clasping the base of his cock with the other, swelling to rock-hard, the pre-cum lubricating and pushing aside your struggling lips revealing your clenched teeth, then harshly draws back your hair until you open your mouth to cry out, allowing me to burst through to fill your mouth and throat with cock."
Yoru was pinned and dare not resist. She should have guessed that all of the other poses would be cutting edge, too, but she was too entranced by her lover's rapid flow of words describing the unfolding scene. Ohhh, he could emote, this warrior of the South American jungles. He relished the force he was using, but was caring in his emotes, and took her complicity in the sexy scene with masculine, romantic gratitude, showing there is honour among thieving lovers.
Like most avs in SL, she secumbed to the passionate action, immersed in it while still comfortable in her safe home, snug behind her powerful computer. And although she is not naive to the dangers of the universe online, curiously she is also unwilling to forgo the pleasures of taking a smallish risk to tread where she'd rarely go in RL. It's very convenient, and Yoru was soon hanging on his cock and smothering her sensibilities deliciously in his balls.
But even though sex transports Yoru, she is ever mindful of her guests. It is essential when running an orgy to gather as many participants as possible, for it is your duty to the people already attending to bring in more nude revelers. Tame orgies are nice, but bustling, untame ones are nicer, in different ways. Yoru IMed a few friends and called on the group chat, and soon the tactic paid off, for another man arrived, then another. Now there were four in total, 1F & 3M, so Yoru sent out a call for women. It was instantly answered by a very sexy av named Myraka. Yoru's lost lover.
"Lorenzo forces your lips," he emoted, "to accept his manhood, gripping your long hair in one hand while clasping the base of his cock with the other, swelling to rock-hard, the pre-cum lubricating and pushing aside your struggling lips revealing your clenched teeth, then harshly draws back your hair until you open your mouth to cry out, allowing me to burst through to fill your mouth and throat with cock."
Yoru was pinned and dare not resist. She should have guessed that all of the other poses would be cutting edge, too, but she was too entranced by her lover's rapid flow of words describing the unfolding scene. Ohhh, he could emote, this warrior of the South American jungles. He relished the force he was using, but was caring in his emotes, and took her complicity in the sexy scene with masculine, romantic gratitude, showing there is honour among thieving lovers.
Like most avs in SL, she secumbed to the passionate action, immersed in it while still comfortable in her safe home, snug behind her powerful computer. And although she is not naive to the dangers of the universe online, curiously she is also unwilling to forgo the pleasures of taking a smallish risk to tread where she'd rarely go in RL. It's very convenient, and Yoru was soon hanging on his cock and smothering her sensibilities deliciously in his balls.
But even though sex transports Yoru, she is ever mindful of her guests. It is essential when running an orgy to gather as many participants as possible, for it is your duty to the people already attending to bring in more nude revelers. Tame orgies are nice, but bustling, untame ones are nicer, in different ways. Yoru IMed a few friends and called on the group chat, and soon the tactic paid off, for another man arrived, then another. Now there were four in total, 1F & 3M, so Yoru sent out a call for women. It was instantly answered by a very sexy av named Myraka. Yoru's lost lover.
Myraka had disappeared from SL three months ago, but she often revisited Yoru in vivid wet dreams. Yoru sensed the delicate pussy touching her face and tasted clear feminine fluids dripping into her mouth. She lost all inhibitions as she had always done with Myraka, circling with her tongue the fragrant area just between the pubic hair and the smooth skin of her swollen labia leading to the inside of her pussy, stretching her slender neck up and around to reach more skin, burying herself in perfumed, glowing, blue-black pubic hair. Myraka rocked her hips, increasing the pressure on Yoru’s face, her languid brushing over the girl’s outstretched tongue becoming more urgent, wetter, her thighs shuddering in anticipation. The dream always woke her, wet and wishing to see Myraka again, and now there she was, floating down into the orgy.
Yoru clicked out of the group to free a feminine pose for Myraka, since now they totaled 2 girls and 3 guys. She told Myraka she could take the pink poseball if she didn't mind being the only woman with three men. Wow darling, Myraka jumped on the pose and climaxed almost immediately! Her emotes were so impassioned all of them were affected by her waves of heat. Yoru's long lost girlfriend was back, hotter than ever, what a trooper she is. The emoting was getting sincerely hotter, and that seems to attract attention, because another guy showed up at the pavilion asking if he could join, but Yoru had no poses free. What now?
The only thing Yoru had beyond foursomes was the mystery button. What would you have done? Same as Yoru, you would hit the button to accommodate the newly arrived guest. After all, it is her event, she wants her friends to have fun. Surprise! The mystery button should have been labeled "bukake." In Japanese, this means something like "splashing, while pouring a little too generously." It now also means splashing a single person with many persons' semen. It is a more intense, tougher pose than Yoru usually treats her guests to at the orgy. The old pit simply didn't have this "all hell breaks loose bukake" button, and Yoru quickly IMed Myraka what was happening. She told her that she would switch with her if she wished not to be in the path of the collective cum shower. It is her duty as event hostess, and besides, it was extremely arousing and she wouldn't actually have minded /grins.
The only thing Yoru had beyond foursomes was the mystery button. What would you have done? Same as Yoru, you would hit the button to accommodate the newly arrived guest. After all, it is her event, she wants her friends to have fun. Surprise! The mystery button should have been labeled "bukake." In Japanese, this means something like "splashing, while pouring a little too generously." It now also means splashing a single person with many persons' semen. It is a more intense, tougher pose than Yoru usually treats her guests to at the orgy. The old pit simply didn't have this "all hell breaks loose bukake" button, and Yoru quickly IMed Myraka what was happening. She told her that she would switch with her if she wished not to be in the path of the collective cum shower. It is her duty as event hostess, and besides, it was extremely arousing and she wouldn't actually have minded /grins.
"Switch?" Myraka asked, and laughed as she fell to emoting excitedly. It was Yoru's good fortune that the woman whom she had placed in the hot seat of the bukake, entirely by accident, was her darling, uninhibited Myraka. The bukake was a surprise to Yoru, she had not yet explored the mystery button it hid behind, and when suddenly she had no choice but to hit it, she had taken the chance. Naughty Yoru! The untamed orgy had taken a turn in a direction she was still not wholly convinced she wanted to role-play. It is a form of "gang-bang," one either loves it or hates it. Yet the concept that it is inherently inappropriate seems so high-school. Yoru tries to be impartial in these things, it is her way of upholding freedom of sexual expression in the commune. Later she found it was practiced with all genders, but again, here is the rest of the story for you to think about for yourself.
Instantly Myraka loved it. And the men? It took a short while for them to understand their unusual position, or as some would say, their good fortune. When they did, they suddenly empathized with the urgency and depth of feeling Myraka was expressing, and rolled into an exact equal place in their own minds. Emotes ran wild for a while, I will not try to emulate them here, one has to have been there. At that moment the merging of their collective passion ignited a unique, in a way magic situation. It was without doubt the most emotional orgy the commune has hosted in months. Non-participants witnessed it, too: a couple and a single av had moved from the beach area to sit in the two chairs hanging from the trees next to the orgy area. They'd come over to be closer to the unusually ardent bonfire of passion, evidently warmer than the bonfire on the beach :) It was sweet, even endearing, to hear the couple, snuggling in each other's arms monogamously, contentedly, modestly clothed, as they chimed in hot comments about what they were experiencing while watching the completely naked, impassioned group. They absorbed that passion and took it to their own bed that night.
Everyone understood that they were role-playing a full-blown scene of many men cumming continually, showering down on one writhing, welcoming woman, and that all present were consenting adults swimming willingly in love's sweet currents. It was new to them, all of them they confessed, but they accepted it enthusiastically, perhaps partly because they trust Yoru's experience with hosting orgies.
OMG Yoru! She felt they should know bukake was new to her, too, so she told them. She wondered out loud what she could do to lessen the impact of the hot humiliation, for that of course plays a role in the bukake pose, by "swapping" with Myraka to become herself the object of the manly downpour. In this way she would give Myraka a break, perhaps a moment to clean her face? /evil grin. One female pink pose to 7 male blues, that's a lot of men, but hey, Myraka and Yoru together are a lot of womanpower.
Instantly Myraka loved it. And the men? It took a short while for them to understand their unusual position, or as some would say, their good fortune. When they did, they suddenly empathized with the urgency and depth of feeling Myraka was expressing, and rolled into an exact equal place in their own minds. Emotes ran wild for a while, I will not try to emulate them here, one has to have been there. At that moment the merging of their collective passion ignited a unique, in a way magic situation. It was without doubt the most emotional orgy the commune has hosted in months. Non-participants witnessed it, too: a couple and a single av had moved from the beach area to sit in the two chairs hanging from the trees next to the orgy area. They'd come over to be closer to the unusually ardent bonfire of passion, evidently warmer than the bonfire on the beach :) It was sweet, even endearing, to hear the couple, snuggling in each other's arms monogamously, contentedly, modestly clothed, as they chimed in hot comments about what they were experiencing while watching the completely naked, impassioned group. They absorbed that passion and took it to their own bed that night.
Everyone understood that they were role-playing a full-blown scene of many men cumming continually, showering down on one writhing, welcoming woman, and that all present were consenting adults swimming willingly in love's sweet currents. It was new to them, all of them they confessed, but they accepted it enthusiastically, perhaps partly because they trust Yoru's experience with hosting orgies.
OMG Yoru! She felt they should know bukake was new to her, too, so she told them. She wondered out loud what she could do to lessen the impact of the hot humiliation, for that of course plays a role in the bukake pose, by "swapping" with Myraka to become herself the object of the manly downpour. In this way she would give Myraka a break, perhaps a moment to clean her face? /evil grin. One female pink pose to 7 male blues, that's a lot of men, but hey, Myraka and Yoru together are a lot of womanpower.
Myraka simply refused to budge. She didn't find the humiliation humiliating, she found it the embodiment of one of her secret fantasies. Do you have such a fantasy, darling? One guy was deep in her pussy, another was in her mouth, another somewhere Yoru didn't remember, and finally numbers 4 -7, one or two poseballs of which were still free, were standing above her reclining body, cumming in the air, arching white viscous streams onto her breasts and tummy, two on either side. Of course, Yoru wanted to jump in, but she wouldn't look natural spurting cum without a cock, so she put on her strap-on dildo and took the pose. Her delicious pink glitter dildo has a HUD and she began jacking the cum function without pause while caressing her own clitoris. Everyone was cumming. There is something about bukake, let's face it, otherwise why would so many people like it, and why would this group of first-timers accept it so readily?
Yoru hit the swap button. To her surprise, instead of swapping places, everyone morphed into a different pose. Yoru had been changed to another spot, too, this time pumping her plastic sculptured dick into Myraka's bottom. She thought about how her online dildo somehow fulfills her physical desires in spite of being a doubly fashioned impostor, a surrogate twice removed from reality, yet potent and effective. Yoru hit another swap and found herself under Myraka, facing her, penetrating her from below while Myraka writhed on top.
That was the second good thing that happened that night, a bonus on top of a bonus, breasts on breasts, nipples on nipples, it was too much for Yoru. She climaxed long and slippery. The deeply satisfying feeling of Myraka's nipples on her own, brushing lightly left and right and back again, rubbing around her areolas precisely so that all four nipples touched, sliding, shivering, sticky. Myraka's upper body was covered in cum, making the contact with Yoru's breasts blithely fluid, the semen acting as lubrication for their unification. They pushed the plumping feminine hills together, firm skin squishing fourfold mounds white, bloodless, bursting, until the puckered peaks ignited a passion that welled up from the deepest part of their genitals, scorching the interiors of their beings, lava-like in its fury. The group's mutual climaxes were driven by the quadruple contact of life's most precious fountains of love. Yoru had complete possession of another woman's swollen nipples at last, having yearned for them since her earliest sexual awakenings. The tender nipples generated such incredible passion in Yoru's chest she felt it made her heart flee for its life, ending up beating in her pussy.
Yoru hit the swap button. To her surprise, instead of swapping places, everyone morphed into a different pose. Yoru had been changed to another spot, too, this time pumping her plastic sculptured dick into Myraka's bottom. She thought about how her online dildo somehow fulfills her physical desires in spite of being a doubly fashioned impostor, a surrogate twice removed from reality, yet potent and effective. Yoru hit another swap and found herself under Myraka, facing her, penetrating her from below while Myraka writhed on top.
That was the second good thing that happened that night, a bonus on top of a bonus, breasts on breasts, nipples on nipples, it was too much for Yoru. She climaxed long and slippery. The deeply satisfying feeling of Myraka's nipples on her own, brushing lightly left and right and back again, rubbing around her areolas precisely so that all four nipples touched, sliding, shivering, sticky. Myraka's upper body was covered in cum, making the contact with Yoru's breasts blithely fluid, the semen acting as lubrication for their unification. They pushed the plumping feminine hills together, firm skin squishing fourfold mounds white, bloodless, bursting, until the puckered peaks ignited a passion that welled up from the deepest part of their genitals, scorching the interiors of their beings, lava-like in its fury. The group's mutual climaxes were driven by the quadruple contact of life's most precious fountains of love. Yoru had complete possession of another woman's swollen nipples at last, having yearned for them since her earliest sexual awakenings. The tender nipples generated such incredible passion in Yoru's chest she felt it made her heart flee for its life, ending up beating in her pussy.
[Next: SHIBARI GIRLFRIEND: (2. A visit to the dojo)]
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