Fenton Maurer
FREE LOVE & RELATIONSHIP LOVE: Richter's haiku's speak. Monday!
Sun, Sep 22 2013 12:00:13 PM PDT
FREE LOVE is mutually compatible with RELATIONSHIPS: our commune's "free love" is conceptually from the 60's hippie movement. It does not preclude wife/husband or gf/bf love, but accepts all, expands love & passion. Richter Artenias, Poet of the North, says it thus:
Commune of love
winter's warm passion to all
souls becoming one
We fall together
shedding love's inhibitions
heart's truth trumps all care
Clothes fall from bodies
we embrace for the moment
trusting true love still
Mon, Sep 23 2013 6:27:25 PM PDT
START AN ORGY ANYTIME... NOW! Our orgy is an all-day event worldwide. A wo/man must take action! In any time zone! Theoretically we host a planet-spanning love-in that continues while the entire Earth revolves one complete turn. How may we measure the results? Number of smiles, groans, sighs, laughs, giggles, touches, jumps, moans... orgasms? Love...the touch of living skin, real or played as in the theater, creates passion between human beings , creates tenderness, thrills sublimely, all over the world.
I agree with all that has been said above. It is part of the culture of the commune and I would not refuse anyone who asks me for loving. I am not really experienced with the girls but am willing to learn. I am a bit old fashioned with the guys in that I expect them to make the first move. Please dont ask me and then announce that you dont know how to operate the poses or try to behave like an oversexed rabbit...take your time...I believe in the art of seduction......hugs...Zinca