Fenton Maurer
HEARTBREAK in PARADISE: Come Monday to the Love-In ORGY=LOVE!
Fri, Sep 27 2013 10:57:15 AM PDT
THEME of this Monday's Love-In Orgy: HEARTBREAK. Who hasn't felt it? Come role-play going to the orgy to heal YOUR broken hearts, come and pour it out, emote till your tears short-circuit your keyboard!
For an erotic heartbreaker to heat you for the orgy, please read CELESTIAL, ABANDONED, a story on Yoru's blog: "Celestial was a sensual, highly evolved pixel goddess in love with a mortal man lost behind an av that no longer existed." http://youryoru.blogspot.com/. Careful, it's bad-bad-bad girl hot!!
(attached note card:)
BACKGROUND ORGY INFO for our newer commune members:
If you are new to our commune, please know that we are supportive of your freedom to love and be loved. We have discussed this and agreed it is a key tenet of our commune and allied friends and communities.
MondayLoveday Orgies are modeled on the 60's Hippie movement LOVE-INs, conceptualizing and promoting free love and shared passion. Veritable FESTIVALS of FREEDOM, everyone is encouraged to come watch, play, IM, get turned on, kiss pretty avs and make them cry...
LAST MONDAY'S ORGY was *cough* shall we say, lively? Erotically stimulating? For a while we had all 7 spots in our "orgy pit" undulating like pros :) Fun and friends--what or whom is there not to love?
Remember, we are all about expanding love, not contracting it. RL relationships are compatible with SL ones, one need only accept our common humanity. Please IM Yoru Lamourfou if you have any questions, or if you would like to help with encouraging members and friends for a day of sensual play, to be uninhibited and exploring, come feel the warmth of friends, naked friends...
(To get a better idea of the philosophy underpinning the Love-In Orgy, a collection of past "Love-In MondayLoveday Orgy Announcements" can be found in Yoru's blog EROTIC SECOND LIVES at http://youryoru.blogspot.com/. But please be careful, they are interspersed with erotic stories that are rather detailed, def not for the faint hearted!)
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